Beth Moore
ECB Publishing, Inc.
Mark Nov, 4 through the 14 on your calendars. That’s when the North Florida Fair, will be in Tallahassee! 4-H Day at the fair will be held Saturday, Nov 13. This is the day that all 4-H’ers will be able to get in the fair for FREE, anytime before 12 p.m. (must present 4-H card). The fair offers many exciting opportunities for the youth to showcase their talents. The youth can enter exhibits in the fair for ribbons and premium money. Fair entry forms are due to the 4-H office by Friday, Oct. 1. participants may also participate on the farm judging team. Practice will be begin Sept. 21 starting at 4 p.m. and ending at 5 p.m. Practice will be held at the 4-H office. (call the 4-H office at (850)342-0187 to sign up). Youth will compete on Saturday, Nov. 13 at 10 a.m. at the fair. They also can participate in Wildlife Ecology ID Contest, Horticulture ID Contest, Sewing Contest or STEM Challenge. Check out http://www. northfloridafair.com for other fair activities.
Entering exhibits for the North Florida Fair is a perfect opportunity to show what the youth has learned during the past year. They can enter up to 15 different exhibits in the 4-H Exhibits Division, but no more than six exhibits into a single class. An exhibit can be an item that has been made or a free standing display of things that they have done or learned as a result of 4-H, school, church and etc. They can exhibit crafts, food, clothes, plants, displays and etc. that was made during the past year. Posters can also be exhibited, along with artwork and photographs. All information can be found at the fair’s website at http://www.northfloridafair.com or picked up at the 4-H office. Deadline to turn in entry forms to the 4-H office is Friday, Oct. 1. All items must be labeled with their name and county and must be put together in a bag or box. All exhibits must be turned in by Thursday, Oct. 28.
For a complete class list visit the North Florida Fair 4-H Club Website at : http:// northfloridafair. com/ 4-h-club department-210/
Class 1: Horticulture (plants must be labeled with their common name)
Class 2: Clothing construction (must be pressed and on hangers)
Class 3: Sewing (pillows, tote bags, aprons and etc)
Class 4: Needlework (crochet, knitting, quilting and embroidery)
Class 5: Baked Goods (Attach recipe and put in a disposable container. Bring to 4-H office on Nov. 1 by 8:30 a.m.)
Class 6: Canning (attach recipe.) Use standard canning jars.
Class 7: Crafts
Class 8: Hobbies and collections (Must be original work of child and dated)
Class 9: Architectural Models
Class 10: Fine Arts
Class 11: Photography (individual or series. Attach negative on disc for original. Must be mounted. No glass frames.
Class 12:Graphic design
Class 13: Table top exhibits (must be free standing)
Class 14: Scrapbooking
Class 15: Poetry
Class 16: Cloverbuds for youth ages five through seven
Class 17:Recycled/Repurposed Clothing
Class 18: Recycled Art