In Fibre of Our Lives, a new group show by Delhi-based Gallery Art Positive eight senior contemporary artists from India are exploring fabric. Showcasing distinct style and techniques we see artworks by Ankon Mitra, Gopika Nath, Jagannath Panda, Paula Sengupta among others.
Curator Pranamita Borgohain explains that for this exhibition she roped in some of the best contemporary artists along with a designer duo Gunjan Arora and Rahul Jain who work with textile waste, and an architect Ankon Mitra to make it an interesting amalgamation of creative people along with other artists.
“Here, some of the artists have used threads, wool, beads and fabric, using techniques like knitting, embroidery, stitching, crochet, pasting, and many other ways. I also got in artists l ike Jagannat h Panda, one of India’s well known contemporary artists who uses fabric as a metaphor in reference to the culturals pace.
He usually collects these fabrics from different places and of different cultures,” Additionally as Borgohain informs, she got in Gopika Nath’s recent series Thought- Nets for this exhibition as they seem very fragile and meditative, “and something which she worked during the lockdown to deal with the stress of that moment which I thought would be very relevant to our current situation.
We also have noted artist Pranati Panda whose works I find very simple and fragile and characterise the vulnerability of our lives and relationships which is very true,” she says in a conversation with The Morning Standard. This multi-layered exhibition displays richness of contemporary art practice, with techniques like weaving, embroidery, and stitching, among others used for this form of art expression.
According to Gallery Director Anu Bajaj, “We halted this exhibition last year due to Covid-19, but we are starting this new year with this special show bringing in some of the best contemporary artists of India who have experimented with thread and textile to create some amazing art works. Through this exhibition, we hope to open avenues of expression and acknowledge artists as they continue to share newer vision of aesthetics.”
AT: Venue: F-213/B, Old MB Road, Lado Sarai
TILL: April 5