East side Madison residents who love to knit, crochet and embroider can now stock up on their supplies close to home. At Fiddlesticks Knits, 1976 Atwood Ave., which had its grand opening on Aug. 14, owner Erica Hainz aims to stock yarns at a range of price points, with an emphasis on quality yarns that aren’t prohibitively pricey. “It was very important to me to make sure that this wasn’t like a bougie, boutique yarn shop,” Hainz said.
Soon, Hainz hopes, customers will cozy up on the couches to work on their latest projects, gather at the big table in the community room for social hours and classes, and borrow from a forthcoming lending library of tools and books. She’s currently assembling starter kits for novice knitters and hunting for crafters interested in teaching or facilitating.
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